Rhonda Estling, MA, LMFT

Rhonda is a Marriage and Family Therapist practicing independently with the Cedar Rapids Relationship Center. She received her master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Mount Mercy University. Throughout her years of experience, it became clear that relationships impact every aspect of people’s lives.
Rhonda specializes in working with individuals and couples on an array of relational, mental health and sexual concerns. Her practice supports both traditional and non-traditional relationships. In session, she uses humor and sincerity while building a safe environment to explore sensitive subjects.
Rhonda is level 1 trained in Internal Family Systems therapy. IFS creates a framework for understanding internal experiences based on parts that act to protect and help us throughout life. She helps clients connect with their parts and foster self-energy to make space for healing.
Phone: 319-804-9278
Email: rhonda@crrelationshipcenter.com